City of Westfield Parks and Recreation Department
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Field Hockey Fall Grades 7-8 Register View Cart

field hockey
Grades 7-8 Grade (Grade going into fall 2023) 

Please register before August for the fall field hockey program. No experience is required, the season runs from August - to November and is a travel league. We will travel and play field hockey games against other cities and towns. Participants need to bring a stick, mouth guard, and shin guards. (The dept. has a stick to borrow) Practices 2-3 times a week TBA and games 1-2 a week TBA. Instructor: Jenn Oakland -USAFH level 2 coach. 

Date: August 19 (Parent meeting at 5:30 p.m. Boardman field) 
Grade: 7-8 Grade 
Fee $ 150.00
Location: Boardman field- Park behind WHS and walk to the field

Dates and times TBA
  • The field hockey instructor will contact you regarding dates and times of first practice after you are paid and registered by mid August.

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Field Hockey 7-8 Grade 
11y - 17y N/A TBA $150.00 Fee, $150.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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